PRP Facelift

PRP Facelift
in Oklahoma City, OK

Creating Platelet-Rich Plasma (PRP): From You To You

Within a matter of minutes, your practitioner can create autologous (which means from you to you) PRP and activate your stem cells for the procedure.

Here’s how:

  • First, the practitioner draws an amount of blood similar to that of a basic lab test.
  • Second, the practitioner places the blood into a centrifuge and spins the blood at a very rapid rate, separating the platelets from other blood components.
  • Third, the platelets are activated by using natural methods. This activation of platelets is the final step in producing your very own platelet-rich plasma. The best way to visualize PRP is to think of the yellow “goo” that surrounds a scab.  The thick serum that forms that yellow material calls stem cells to the area and activates them to create new skin.

Stem Cells

Scientists know that unipotent stem cells lie dormant in the skin and provide the building blocks for healing burns or cuts. Until recently, physicians had no convenient way to stimulate those stem cells to grow new tissue. By utilizing the blood’s growth factors such as platelets, a physician can activate the stem cells to grow new, younger-appearing skin.

Unipotent stem cells, which grow only one specific tissue, can be found in every part of the body.  For example, unipotent stem cells in the liver grow new liver tissue.  Unipotent stem cells in the skin grow new skin. Thus, PRP takes the cosmetic rejuvenation process to a scientific level.

Activating 8 Growth Factors

Platelet-rich plasma is similar to HA fillers because it can be injected to sculpt the face.  Not only does the PRP cause an increase in volume, but it contains at least 8 growth factors that will continually work like a rejuvenating agent.

By activating these growth factors, all three parts of the aging process improve:

  1. The skin color becomes a “younger” color because of new blood vessel formation.
  2. New collagen formations lifts the face back to a more youthful shape.
  3. Because the growth factors are working to build a new dermis, the outer most layers of your skin appear smoother.

The Science Of Pure Beauty

From the Renaissance until now, physicians, scientists and artists have worked to define what makes a face more beautiful.

The challenge becomes how to take a face and bring out the beautiful, without creating an unnatural shape. In the art and science of pure beauty, the tiniest details are of utmost importance. The physician, like the artist and the scientist, deeply studies beauty to determine where and how much HA filler and growth factor to apply.

Price: $600 per tube, Package of 3 – $1,500. Prices may vary per client based on area(s) and number of treatments needed. Schedule your consultation now to find out if you are a good candidate for PRP.

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