Know Before You Go: EMsculpt Treatments

Jan 22, 2025

  • EMsculpt is an FDA approved body sculpting and contouring treatment designed to target fat and improve muscle tone.
  • This non-invasive body treatment is perfect for those who are close to their goal weight but struggling with stubborn fat. 
  • EMsculpt is one of the many services available at Mariposa Aesthetics & Laser Center in Oklahoma City, OK.

Wouldn’t it be cool if you could achieve a stronger, more defined physique without stepping a single foot in the gym? Guess what? EMsculpt treatments let you do just that! EMsculpt is a revolutionary, non-invasive body contouring treatment designed to give results that go beyond a traditional workout. Using high-intensity focused electromagnetic (HIFEM) technology, EMsculpt works to tone muscles and target stubborn fat simultaneously. Learn how EMsculpt can give you the results you crave without spending hours at the gym. 


What Is EMsculpt?

If you’ve never heard of the term, EMsculpt, it might sound intimidating or questionable. EMsculpt treatments were approved by the FDA in 2020 to help patients stimulate pain relief, improve mobility, and increase circulation among other benefits. In October of 2024, EMsculpt treatments were recognized as a groundbreaking technology suitable for targeted use on the abdomen, buttocks, thighs, arms, and calves. This non-invasive cosmetic procedure has numerous benefits and improves the appearance of the body using high intensity focused electromagnetic (HIFEM) technology.


How Do EMsulpt Treatments Work?

During EMsculpt treatments, a specialized applicator is placed on the target area which emits electromagnetic energy. High-intensity focused electromagnetic (HIFEM) technology stimulates the area causing supramaximal muscle contractions. Imagine how your muscles would feel after a really intense workout… A single 30-minute session can trigger up to 20,000 contractions which is equivalent to doing thousands of crunches, squats, and bicep curls.


As the muscles contract, the surrounding fat cells begin to break down demanding an increase of energy through a process called lipolysis. These intense contractions force your muscles to adapt at an accelerated rate, leading to increased muscle mass and improved tone in the targeted area over time. It might sound like a scary procedure, but rest assured that it’s 100% safe and has proven results.


Who Should Get EMsculpt?

EMsculpt is perfect for those close to their ideal body weight looking to enhance muscle tone, increase strength, and sculpt definition in specific areas. It is especially effective for those struggling to achieve muscle definition despite regular workouts and anyone seeking non-invasive muscle toning and fat reduction. It is also beneficial for postpartum women looking to regain core strength, injury prevention, post-surgery recovery, and those looking to improve mobility.  


Who Shouldn’t Get EMsculpt?

Although EMsculpt is safe for most individuals, it’s important to recognize that each individual is unique. With that in mind, if you have any of the following conditions, EMsculpt might not be the right option for you. If one of the conditions below applies to you, but you’re still interested in EMsculpt treatments, then give our medspa a call to further discuss your options. 


  • Pregnant or nursing women
  • Individuals with metal implants anywhere in the body
  • Individuals with a history of seizures, epilepsy, or cancer


Potential Side Effects Of EMsculpt

EMsculpt is a safe and FDA-approved treatment, but like any procedure, it can come with mild side effects. Luckily, EMsculpt treatments don’t require downtime during recovery. The risk of side effects are minimized when EMsculpt is performed by specialized professionals, such as our talented estheticians at Mariposa Aesthetics and Laser Center. As professionals in the medspa world, we want to make sure you’re aware of all possible side effects of EMsculpt treatments. Below are a few possible EMsculpt side effects to look out for. If you’re experiencing any of these symptoms post EMsculpt treatment and are concerned, don’t hesitate to reach out to our experts!


Muscle Soreness

The most common side effect of EMsculpt treatments is temporary muscle soreness–similar to what you may feel after an intense workout. You can minimize muscle soreness by maintaining a healthy exercise regime that includes stretching.


Bruising, redness, or swelling

Some people may experience mild redness, swelling, or tingling in the treatment area. This discomfort typically resolves itself within a few hours. Bruising is also possible, although it is less common.



You may experience fatigue or feelings of tiredness after your EMsculpt treatment. Be sure to stay hydrated and fuel your body with nutritious energy to aid in the recovery process.



 A less common side effect is dizziness which typically occurs right after treatment and dissipates within a few minutes.


Are EMsculpt Treatments Worth It?

Determining if EMsculpt treatments are worth it will completely depend on your personal goals. If your focus is on getting the appearance you desire, increasing your mobility, or protecting against future injuries, then EMsculpt might be worth it for you. EMsculpt treatments have the potential to make your dreams a reality. If you’re close to your goal but not seeing the progress you want in certain areas, EMsculpt can make the difference that counts. 


Get EMsculpt Treatments At Mariposa Aesthetics & Laser Center

EMsculpt is the perfect way to sculpt and contour your body towards its highest potential. The team at Mariposa Aesthetics & Laser Center offer a variety treatments to suit your needs. Our highly trained estheticians work to make your visit the opportunity you need to completely escape the hustle and bustle of everyday life, while also refreshing your body. Visit us online today to book an appointment and see what body contouring from EMsculpt can do for you.


While you’re on our website, check out our services including: Wrinkle Erasers, Dermal Fillers, Sculptra, Kybella, Skin Tightening, Laser Skin Rejuvenation, Body Contouring and Smoothing, Hair, Tattoo, Vein Removal, Miradry Procedures, Diamond Glow, PRP Facelift, Esthetician Services, and more. Check our website for monthly specials and information about new offerings. You can schedule your appointment and learn more about us online. We can’t wait to help you achieve your desired aesthetic! 


Contact Mariposa


Phone: 405-679-2376

Address: 4214 N. Classen Rd. Oklahoma City, OK, 73118


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